- ab ovo: from the beginning.
- abattoir: a slaughterhouse.
- abecedarian: pertaining to the alphabet; also, rudimentary; also, a beginner.
- abed: in bed.
- aberrant: abnormal.
- aberrant: markedly different from an accepted norm.
- abeyance: suspension; temporary cessation.
- abjure: to renounce or reject with solemnity.
- abjure: to renounce, reject, or shun.
- ablution: the washing of the body, or some part of it
- abominate: to detest intensely.
- abrogate: to annul; to do away with.
- abscond: to depart secretly.
- abstemious: sparing in diet.
- abstemious: temperate; abstinent; refraining from indulgence.
- abstruse: difficult to comprehend.
- abulia: loss or impairment of the ability to act or to make decisions.
- accede: to agree or assent; also, to become a party.
- acclimate: to accustom or become accustomed to a new climate, environment, or situation.
- acerbic: sharp, biting, or acid in temper, expression, or tone.
- acme: the highest point of something
- acquiesce: to accept or consent passively or without objection.
- acquiesce: to concur, but not heartily.
- acrid: bitter to the taste or smell.
- acrid: sharp and harsh; bitter.
- acrimony: bitter, harsh, or biting sharpness. bivouac: an encampment for the night.
- acuity: acuteness of perception or vision.
- acumen: quickness of perception or discernment.
- adage: an old saying.
- adamant: not capable of being swayed.
- adamant: not susceptible to persuasion; unyielding.
- admonition: gentle or friendly reproof; friendly warning.
- adumbrate: to give a slight representation of; to outline.
- adumbrate: to outline; also, to foreshadow; also, to suggest; also, to shade.
- adventitious: added extrinsically; not essentially inherent.
- aegis: a shield; protection.
- aesthete: one who cultivates great sensitivity to beauty.
- aestival: of or belonging to the summer.
- affable: courteous; sociable.
- affable: easy to speak to; also, gracious.
- afflatus: a divine inspiration.
- affray: a tumultuous assault or quarrel; a brawl.
- aficionado: a fervent admirer; a fan.
- aficionado: an enthusiastic admirer; a fan.
- aggrandize: to make great.
- aggrandize: to make or make appear great or greater.
- aggress: to make an attack.
- agitprop: propaganda.
- agog: in eager desire.
- agon: struggle; conflict.
- agrestic: pertaining to fields or the country.
- alacrity: a cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptitude.
- alacrity: cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptness.
- alfresco: outdoors; outdoor.
- algorithm: a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem.
- alpenglow: a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains.
- amalgam: an alloy of mercury with other metals; also, a mixture.
- ambit: circuit or compass; also, sphere of action or influence.
- ameliorate: to make better.
- ameliorate: to make or grow better.
- amicable: characterized by friendliness and good will.
- amity: friendship
- amity: friendship; friendly relations.
- anathema: a curse; a person or thing cursed, or intensely disliked.
- ancillary: subordinate, subsidiary; auxiliary.
- animadversion: harsh criticism or disapproval.
- animus: a feeling of ill will; also, animating spirit; disposition
- anodyne: serving to relieve pain.
- antediluvian: extremely old.
- aplomb: confidence; coolness.
- apocryphal: of doubtful authority or authenticity.
- apogee: the highest point.
- apologia: a formal defense or justification.
- apostasy: desertion or departure from one’s faith, principles, or party.
- apothegm: a short, witty, and instructive saying.
- apothegm: a terse remark, conveying some important truth.
- apotheosis: a model of excellence or perfection of a kind.
- apparition: a ghost; also, an unexpected appearance.
- appellation: a name, title, or designation.
- apposite: being of striking appropriateness.
- apposite: of striking appropriateness and relevance.
- apprise: to give notice to; to inform.
- approbation: formal or official approval; also, praise.
- appurtenance: an adjunct or accessory.
- arbiter: one having the power of judging and determining.
- arbitrage: The simultaneous purchase and sale of a good or asset.
- arcane: understood by only a few.
- arcane: understood or known by only a few.
- arcanum: a secret; a mystery.
- argot: a specialized vocabulary peculiar to a particular group.
- Argus-eyed: extremely observant; watchful.
- aright: rightly; correctly.
- arrant: outright; thoroughgoing.
- arriviste: an upstart.
- arrogate: to claim or seize without right or justification.
- ascetic: one who practices extreme self-denial; also, austere, severe.
- ascribe: to attribute, as to a cause.
- ascribe: to attribute.
- asperity: roughness, of surface, sound, or manner.
- aspersion: a damaging or derogatory remark.
- asseverate: to affirm or declare positively or earnestly.
- assiduous: constant in application or attention
- assuage: to soften; to ease, or lessen.
- atelier: a workshop; a studio.
- atrabilious: irritable; ill-natured
- aubade: a song greeting the dawn.
- augury: an omen; prediction
- auspicious: favorable; also, prosperous; fortunate.
- autochthonous: formed or existing where found.
- autochthonous: indigenous; native.
- autocrat: a despot.
- autocrat: a ruler with unlimited authority.
- autodidact: a person who is self-taught.
- autodidact: one who is self-taught.
- avarice: an excessive desire of gain; greediness.
- avatar: an incarnation.
- avatar: an incarnation.
- aver: to assert as true.
- avoirdupois: weight; heaviness.
- avuncular: resembling an uncle, as in kindness or indulgence.