CSS Inventions MCQs

  1. Abacus China
  2. Achromatic Lens John Dolland
  3. Adding Machine Blaise Pascal
  4. Addressing Machine J. S. Duncan
  5. Air Brake George Westinghouse
  6. Air Conditioning Willis H. Carrier
  7. Air Plane with motor Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright
  8. Air Plane Jet Engine Ohain
  9. Air Pump Guericke
  10. Arc Lamp Humphry Davy
  11. Automatic Pilot Air Plane Sperry
  12. Automobiles Dainler
  13. Ball Point John Loud
  14. Balloon J. Mand and Montogolfier
  15. Barbed wire Joseph Glidden
  16. Barometer Evangelista Torricelli
  17. Bicycle Karl D Von Sauerbronn
  18. Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin
  19. Blast Furnace J. B. Neilson
  20. Bleaching Powder ** Tennant
  21. Blood Groups Kari Landsteiner
  22. Bottle Making Machine Michael Owens
  23. Camera (Photographic) Joseph N. Niepce
  24. Carburettor Gottlieb Daimler
  25. Cash Register James Ritty
  26. Cathode Ray Tube William Crookes
  27. Cement Joseph Aspdin
  28. Chronometer John Harrison
  29. Circuit Breaker *** Hilliard
  30. Cloud Chamber Charles Wilson
  31. Coloured Photography Frederic Ives and Gabriel Lippman
  32. Condensed Milk Gail Borden
  33. Cotton Gin Eli Whitney
  34. Cultivator Henry Burden
  35. Cylinder Lock Linus Yale Jr.
  36. Dictating Machine Charles Taintor
  37. Diesel Engine *** Rudolf C. K. Diesel
  38. Digital Calculating Machine Charles Babbage
  39. Double Chamber Donald Glaser
  40. Dynamite *** Alfred B. Nobel