GK Most Important NTS MCQs 2

  1. Eskimos live in Igloo.
  2. Blitzkrieg means sudden attack.
  3. Dragon is the symbol of China.
  4. Caspian Sea water is shared by Iran, Russia & Azerbaijan.
  5. Magna Carta is known as the Bible of English Constitution.
  6. Russian equivalent of Pentagon is Kremlin.
  7. East Timore, the Colony of Portugal, was captured by Indonesia in 1975.
  8. Tiwan separated from China in 1949.
  9. Ulster Unionists wanted to retain British rule in Northern Ireland.
  10. Anti Semitism means animosity towards Jews.
  11. Lens at the end of the compound microscope is called objective.
  12. Protoza was first observed in compound microscope.
  13. Francisco Fernandez introduced Tobacco in Europe.
  14. Mobile phones started in 1973 by Martin Cooper.
  15. Penology is the study, theory and practice of prison management & criminal rehabilitation.
  16. Length of India-China border is 3,380 km.
  17. Cyprus gained independence from Britain in 1960.
  18. Cyprus was divided into Turkish Repbublic of Northern Cyprus and Greek Cyprus in 1974.
  19. Al-Azhar University I located in Cairo, Egypt.
  20. Fortress of Grenada, known as Alhamra is in Spain.
  21. Capital of ancient Babylonia was Babylon.
  22. Babylon was on the bank of Euphrates.
  23. Alma-Ata (Father of Apples) is the capital of Kazakhstan.
  24. Ireland is also called Eire.
  25. Largest earthquake fatalities occurred in Izmir, Turkey in 1999.
  26. Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginai state.
  27. Pentagon was designed by George Burgstrom.
  28. Takla Makan in China is the driest desert in Asia.
  29. Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized Suez Canal in 1956.
  30. Capital of Tebet is Lhasa.
  31. White House is in Washington DC.
  32. Frigid Zone is the area withing the polar circle area around the South Pole.
  33. Guantanamo Bay is in Cuba.
  34. Tartus is the seaport of Syria.
  35. Voctoria falls are on the border b/w Zimbabwe & South Africa.
  36. House of U.S Congress in Washington D.C is on Capitol Hill.
  37. The idea of SAARC originated in the mind of Zia ur Rehman.
  38. Pakistan left Commonwealth in 1972 and rejoined in 1989.
  39. Mustafa Kamal Pasha gave 6 Principles of Kemalism.
  40. Dayton Accord was signed to solve the problem of Bosnia.