Geography of Pakistan NTS MCQs

  1. Length of Pak-India border is 1,610 km. Length of Pak-Iran border is 805 km.Length of Pak-China border is 595 km. Length of Pak-Afghan border is 2252 km.
  2. Warsak dam is on Kabul River.Rawal Dam is on Kurrang River. Khanpur dam is on Haro River.Tanda dam is in Baluchistan. Tarbela deam was completed in 1969.
  3. Muztag pass connects Gilgit-Yarkand (China). ➢ Khankum Pass connects Chitral-Wakhan (Afghanistan)
  4. The Shandur Pass connects Chitral and Gilgit.
  5. Khyber Pass connects Peshawar-Kabul
  6. Kulk pass connects Gilgit-China.
  7. Bolan Pass connects Queta-Afghanistan.
  8. Tochi Pass connects Pakistan-China.
  9. Length of Silk Rourte (Korakorum Route) is 965 km.
  10. Madhupur Head works is located on the river Ravi.Ferozpur Head works is located on river Sutluj.
  11. Pakistan bought Gwadar from King of maskat at the cost of 40 lakh pounds on 8th September 1958.
  12. Six barrages are constructed on the River Indus. Barrages on Indus are Toonsa, Jinnah, Sukkur, Gudo, Kotri & Ghulam Mohammad.
  13. Three deserts are located in Pakistan, which are namely; Thar (Sindh), Thal, Cholistan (Punjab).
  14. Hindu-kush range is also known as Little Pamirs.
  15. Sub-Himalya is also known as Siwaliks.
  16. The Sindh Sagar Doab is also known as Thal Desert.
  17. Takht-i-Suleman is the highest peak of Sulaiman Mountains.
  18. Hispar Glacies is located in Hunza.
  19. Katch and Gawadar are the districts of Makran Division.
  20. Pakistan can be divided into six natural regions.