681. Antonym of BRUSQUE is _?
(A) Corrupt
(B) Brash
(C) energetic
(D) Courteous

682. Killing of a large group of people called_________?
(A) fungicide
(B) fratricide
(C) genocide
(D) homicide

683. A community of people smaller than a village
(A) hamlet
(B) aviary
(C) apiary
(D) none of these

684. A person who is controlled by wife called
(A) Henpeck
(B) Connoisseur
(C) Somnambulist
(D) None of these

685. The young man almost encountered _ but to everyone’s surprise he pulled through.
(A) dead
(B) death
(C) being dead
(D) dying

686. The artists worked with tremendous (felicity) in expressive poetic language. The word in the brackets means:
(A) Excitement
(B) Happiness
(C) Expertise
(D) Zeal

687. The inhabitants of the island were (barbarians). Opposite of the word in the brackets is:
(A) Civilized
(B) Cruel
(C) Uncivilized
(D) Bad

688. His mother _ for ten years now.
(A) is dead
(B) was dead
(C) has died
(D) has been died

689. He took an aspirin to _ the pain in his knee.
(A) relief
(B) cited
(C) deviate
(D) aggravation

690. Opposite of pretentious is:
(A) Deranged
(B) Small
(C) Depressing
(D) Humble

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