131. The study of microorganisms, including viruses, prokaryotes, and simple eukaryotes:
A. Microbiology
B. Hematology
C. Anatomy
D. None of these

132. Oxygen accounts for __ % of the total human body mass?
A: 65%
B: 18%
C: 10%
D: 3%

133. The atoms of different elements combine with each other through ionic or covalent bonding to produce compounds; this stable form is called:
A: A molecule
B: An organ
C: Tissue
D: Both a and c

134. The experiments on DNA molecules in chromosomes for knowing the basis of inherited diseases are conducted by?
A: Molecular biologists
B: Microbiologists
C: Freshwater biologists
D: Social biologist

135. On a wound, __ fight foreign particles, like bacteria?
A: White Blood cells
B: Red Blood Cells
C: Platelets
D: Plasma

136. Synthetic insulin from pork was formed by which technique?
A: Biotechnology
B: Social biological techniques
C: Parasitology
D: Both a and c

137. Blood is carried towards the heart by __?
A: Arteries
B: Capillaries
C: Veins
D: None of these

138. The branch of biology that deals with the study of social behavior and communal life of human beings living in any environment is called?
A: Environmental biology
B: Social biology
C: Human biology
D: Both b and c

139. __ is essential for the formation of hemoglobin.
A: Calcium
B: Iron
C: Water
D: Carbohydrates

140. Out of 92 naturally occurring chemical elements, how many are considered bio-elements?
A: 6
B: 16
C: 26
D: 15

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