761. Ribonucleo-protein particles are the name of__________?
B: Nucleus
(C: Eukaryotic ribosomes)

762. On which of the following components of chloroplast is chlorophyll arranged?
A: Cell membrane
B: Matrix
C: Thylakoids
(D: Stroma)

763. An example of codominance is______________?
A: A blood group
B: B blood group
C: O blood group
(D: AB blood group)

764. Test cross is used to find_____________?
A: Trait
B: Phenotype
(C: Genotype)
D: Ratios

765. Number of nuclear pores/nucleus in an RBC is_________?
(A: 1–3)
B: 3–4
C: 10000
D: 30000

766. Yellow cytoplasm in ascidian gives rise to______________?
A: Epidermis
B: Muscle cells
C: Gut
(D: Notochord)

767. Chlorophyll molecule contains __ as a central metal ion.
A: Fe2+
(B: Mg2+)
C: Zn2+
D: Cu2+

768. Cross of F1 offsprings with any of the parents is known as?
A: Double cross
B: Test cross
C: Single cross
(D: Back cross)

769. _ secretes glucagon hormone.
A: Pituitary gland
B: Thyroid gland
C: Liver
(D: Pancreas)

770. Primary carboxylation in C3 plants is carried out by the enzyme?
A: Pyruvate carboxylase
B: Succinic dehydrogenase
C: Hexokinase
(D: RUBP Carboxylase/oxygenase)

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