CSS English vocabularies


  1. qua: in the capacity or character of; as.
  2. quaff: to drink with relish.
  3. quagmire: a predicament.
  4. quandary: a state of difficulty or perplexity.
  5. quash: to annul; also, to crush; to subdue.
  6. querulous: habitually complaining.
  7. querulous: habitually complaining; also, expressing complaint.
  8. quiddity: the essence or nature of a thing.
  9. quidnunc: a gossip; a busybody.
  10. quiescent: at rest; still.
  11. quiescent: at rest; still; inactive.
  12. quietus: final acquittance, as from debt; also, rest; death.
  13. quietus: final acquittance, as from debt; that which silences claims; rest; death.
  14. quisling: a collaborator; a traitor.
  15. quixotic: foolishly impractical; also, capricious; impulsive.
  16. quondam: former; sometime.
  17. quorum: a gathering of members of an organization large enough to transact business.
  18. quotidian: occurring daily; also, ordinary.
  19. quotidian: of an everyday character; ordinary.


  1. raconteur: a person skilled in telling stories.
  2. raconteur: one who excels in telling stories and anecdotes.
  3. raffish: tawdry; also, rakish.
  4. raillery: good-humored banter or teasing repartee.
  5. raiment: clothing in general; garments.
  6. rapacious: grasping; greedy.
  7. rapine: the act of plundering.
  8. rapport: relation characterized by sympathetic understanding, emotional affinity, or mutual trust.
  9. rapprochement: the establishment or state of cordial relations.
  10. rara avis: a rare or unique person or thing.
  11. ratiocination: the process of reasoning.
  12. raucous: unpleasantly loud and harsh.
  13. rebarbative: repellent; irritating.
  14. rebarbative: repellent; objectionable.
  15. recalcitrant: marked by stubborn resistance.
  16. recalcitrant: stubbornly resistant to and defiant of authority or restraint.
  17. recherche: exotic; rare; also, affected, pretentious.
  18. recidivism: a tendency to lapse into a previous condition or pattern of behavior; esp., into prior criminal habits.
  19. recidivism: a tendency to lapse into a previous condition or pattern of behavior; esp., into prior criminal habits.
  20. recondite: difficult to understand.
  21. recondite: incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding.
  22. recrimination: a counter accusation.
  23. recrudescent: breaking out again.
  24. recumbent: reclining; lying down.
  25. redact: to edit.
  26. redivivus: living again; revived; restored.
  27. redolent: having or exuding fragrance; also, evocative, reminiscent.
  28. redoubt: a stronghold.
  29. redoubtable: formidable; also, illustrious; eminent.
  30. redound: to have a consequence or effect.
  31. redress: to set right.
  32. refractory: stubbornly disobedient.
  33. refulgent: brilliant; resplendent.
  34. regale: to entertain with something that delights.
  35. rejoinder: an answer to a reply.
  36. relegate: to assign or remove, usually to an inferior position.
  37. remonstrate: to present and urge reasons in opposition.
  38. renascent: rising again into being; showing renewed vigor.
  39. renege: to go back on a promise or commitment.
  40. repast: a meal.
  41. repast: a meal; figuratively, any refreshment.
  42. repine: to feel or express discontent.
  43. repletion: the condition of being completely or excessively full.
  44. requisite: necessary, indispensable.
  45. respite: an interval of rest or relief.
  46. restive: resisting control; stubborn.
  47. reticent: inclined to keep silent.
  48. revenant: one who returns after death or a long absence.
  49. ribald: characterized by, or given to, vulgar humor.
  50. rictus: a gaping grin or grimace.
  51. riparian: of or pertaining to the bank of a river.
  52. riposte: a quick and effective reply by word or act.
  53. risible: exciting or provoking laughter.
  54. risible: worthy to be laughed at; amusing.
  55. rivulet: a small stream or brook.
  56. robustious: boisterous; vigorous.
  57. rodomontade: pretentious, bragging speech.
  58. roister: to revel; to carouse.
  59. roseate: cheerful; bright; also, rose-colored.
  60. rotund: round; rounded in figure.
  61. rotund: round; spherical; also, chubby.
  62. roue: a man devoted to a life of sensual pleasure.
  63. rubicund: inclining to redness; ruddy.
  64. ruminate: to chew the cud; also, to ponder; to reflect.
  65. rusticate: to go to the country; also, to force to reside in the country; to banish.