CSS Solved Idioms


I. Blow one’s top

To be very angry, Explode in anger, lose one’s temper, go into a rage

ii.  A cock and bull story

An unbelievable tale that is intended to deceive; a tall tale

Jack told us some cock and bull story about getting lost.

This expression may come from a folk tale involving these two animals, or from the name of an English inn where travellers told such tales.

W.S. Gilbert used it in The Yeomen of the Guard (1888), where Jack Point and Wilfred the Jailer make up a story about the hero’s fictitious death: “Tell a tale of cock and bull, Of convincing detail full.” [c. 1600]

iii.  Find one’s feet

To be confident, become adjusted; become established

iv.  Call it a night

To stop what one has been doing, for the remainder of the night.

v.  The tip of the iceberg

  • Below par

Less than average, less than normal

vii.  From pillar to post

From one place or thing to another in rapid succession

viii.  Hang up

Hold on , suspend; end a telephone conversation

ix.  Turn some one in

  • By and by

Pretty soon, it won’t be long now; gradually, eventually


1)   To put the lid on / keep the lid on


I don’t know how but we’ll have to put the lid on that rumor about her. Let’s keep the lid on our suspicions.

The word lid here is used in the sense of “a cover for a container.” [Early 1900s]

2)   Flavour if the mouth

Something that is prominent in the public eye for a short time then fades out of interest.

Originally a term of approval for something that was up to the minute and desirable. It has been used ironically from the late 20th century to pass disdainful comment on things which pass out of fashion quickly. For example, the “one hit wonders” of the music business.

3)   Zero hours

The time when something important is to begin is zero hour.

4)   Gloom and doom

the feeling that a situation is bad and is not likely to improve

Come on, it’s not all doom and gloom, if we make a real effort we could still win.

5)   To pig out

Eat ravenously, gorge oneself

The kids pigged out on the candy they had collected on Halloween. [Slang; early 1970s]

6)   Bag people

  • Compassion fatigue

A weariness of and diminishing public response to frequent requests for charity.

8)   No matters

Some thing which is not important


(1)   Twiddle with

To play with something; to play with something, using one’s fingers; to fiddle with something.

I asked Jason to stop twiddling with the pencils. Someone is twiddling with the stereo controls.

(2)   Vamp up

Make up

vamp up an excuse for not attending the meeting

(3)   Whittle away

cut away in small pieces, to cut or carve something away

The carver whittled the wood away until only a small figure was left. He whittled away the wood.

(4)   Winkle out

Force from a place or position

The committee winkled out the unqualified candidates.

(5)   Give someone the bum’s rush

To eject (or be ejected) forcibly

(6)   Loom large

Appear imminent in a threatening, magnified form

The possibility of civil war loomed large on the horizon.

Martha wanted to take it easy for a week, but the bar exam loomed large.

This term employs loom in the sense of “come into view”, a usage dating from the late 1500s.

(7)   Besetting sin

A sin which is habitually attending a person, a prevailing or predominant vice

We regret to say that apathy is the besetting sin of our rural population.

(8)   To hang fire


The advertising campaign is hanging fire until they decide how much to spend on it.

This expression originally referred to the 17th-century flintlock musket, where the priming powder ignited but often failed to explode the main charge, a result called hanging fire. [c. 1800]