CSS Every Day & General Science MCQs

  1. First programmable digital computer Z3, 1941
  2. First programmable electronic computer Colossus, 1943
  3. First programmer Ada Lovelace (1815 – 1852)
  4. First Satellite in space Sputnik 1 (1st Oct 1957 by Russia)
  5. First sighting of Halley‟s Comet 240 BC by Chinese
  6. First solid-state computer 1960 (USA)
  7. First space shuttle flight Columbia (1981)
  8. First spacecraft to orbit Saturn Cassini-Huygens July 1, 2004
  9. First supersonic flight Captain Charles Elwood Yeager (14th Oct 1947)
  10. First test tube baby A girl Louise Brown (July 25, 1978)
  11. First talking film “Lights of New York” (1928)
  12. First transcontinental flight 10th Dec 1911 (Flown by Calbraith P. Rodgers)
  13. First unmanned landing on Mars 1971 by USA
  14. First US space station Skylab-I
  15. First US spacecraft to reach moon Ranger 4
  16. First US woman in space Sally K. Ride (Challenger on 4th April 1983)
  17. First weather satellite in orbit 17th Feb, 1959 (US Navy launched it)
  18. First Woman in space Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova (USSR) 16 – 19 June 1963
  19. First woman physician of USA Elizabeth Blackwell
  20. First woman to cross Atlantic Ocean by air Amelia Earhart
  21. First woman to walk in space Svetlana Savitskaya ( 1984) “Floating bodies law” Archimedes
  22. Gas in balloon Helium
  23. hardest thing present in a human body Dental enamel Highest electrical conductivity Silver metal
  24. Joints in human body 236 Largest bone Thigh Bone
  25. Largest comet The object 2060 Chiron (discovered in 1977)
  26. Largest invertebrate Giant Squid
  27. Largest Meteor Crater New Quebec (Canada)
  28. Largest Planet Jupiter (diameter 88,844 miles) Largest Satellite ` Ganymede
  29. Largest Star Betelgeuse (500 times greater than the Sun)
  30. Least Abundant element Radio active gas Random Least dense planet Saturn
  31. Longest bone in human body Femur or Thighbone
  32. Longest cell in human body Nerve cells (Neurons) 4 feet and 3 inches Maximum duration of eclipse 7 minutes and 31 seconds
  33. Most common element in the atmosphere Nitrogen
  34. Most common element in the universe Hydrogen
  35. The most easily breakable bone of human body Collar bone
  36. Most expensive metal Platinum
  37. Nearest planet from the Sun Mercury
  38. Normal blinking of human eyes 20,000 times a day
  39. Normal Blood Pressure 120/80 mm Hg.
  40. Normal breathing of human 20 times per minute