1171. The motto of the 18th Asian games is —–?
A. Energy of Asia
B. Games for Peace
C. Diversity Shines Here
D. Thrilling Games, Harmonious Asia
1172. Hangzhou will be the —–Chinese City to host the Asian games in 2022.
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
1173. The 17th Asian games were held in which City?
A. Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia
B. Incheon, South Korea
C. New Delhi, India
D. Beijing, China
1174. The 17th Asian Games were held in —–?
A. 2014
B. 2015
C. 2016
D. 2018
1175. Who is the Author of “The Myth of Independence”?
A. I.H. Qureshi
B. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
C. Aysha Jalal
D. Shahid Rafique
1176. The headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is in—–?
A. Rome, Italy
B. Paris, France
C. New York, US
D. None
1177. The Coldstream Guards is the oldest continuously serving regiment in the Army, belonging to which Country?
A. Japan
B. Iceland
1178. RAW is an Indian Secret Service whose headquarters are in Delhi and was founded in?
A. 1960
B. 1965
C. 1968
D. 1970
1179. CIA is the intelligence agency of the USA headquartered in Langley, Virginia, and was founded in?
A. Sep 18, 1945
B. Sep 18, 1946
C. Sep 18, 1947
D. Sep 18, 1948
1180. How many sports were played in the Summer Olympics 2016?
A. 22
B. 28
C. 34
D. 40