General Knowledge MCQS

921. Lungs are situated in the___.

(A) Abdominal cavity
(B) Precardial cavity
(C) Buccal cavity
D) Thoracic cavity

922. The total volume of blood in a normal human being is___.

(A) 5-6 liters
(B) 3-4 liters
(C) 8-10 liters
D) 10-12 liters

923. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the?

(A) Liver
B) Bone marrow
C) Kidneys
D) Heart

924. ISI is a Military Intelligence Agency of which country?

(A) Iran
(B) UK
C) Pakistan

925. Which of the following is the rift valley?

(A) The Rhine valley
(B) The Thames valley
C) The Indus valley
D) None of these

926. In which continent is there no glacier?

(A) Africa
(B) Australia
C) Asia
D) North America

927. According to new research, what is the oldest disease?

(A) Influenza
(B) Malaria
(C) Plague
D) Leprosy

928. What is the main purpose of white blood corpuscles?

(A) To carry nutrients
B) To combat infection
C) To carry oxygen
D) To strengthen

929. Ashgabat is the capital of _?

A. Turkmenistan
B. Armenia
C. Azerbaijan
D. Bosnia

930. “Nairobi ” is the capital city of___________?

A. Uganda
B. Kenya
C. South Africa
D. Libya

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