721. International Day of Education is celebrated on—–?
A. 25th February
B. 15th January
C. 24th January
D. 10th December
722. Which Country successfully tested its “Mother of All Bombs” in January 2019?
A. Iran
B. China
C. Pakistan
D. India
723. PCIW stands for——?
A. Police Criminal Investigation Wing
B. Popcorn Cut and Invest Company
C. Pakistan Commissioner for Indus Waters (Answer)
D. Peep Core in Water
724. CPEC has how many Special Economic Zones?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 9 (Answer)
D. 5
725. What was the theme of International Forest Day 2018?
A. Forest and Sustainable Cities (Answer)
B. Forest and Water
C. Forest and Ecosystem
D. Forest Matters
726. Which of the following is the author of the book “We Are Displaced”?
A. Reham Khan
B. Malala Yosufzai (Answer)
C. Nadia Murad
D. Sharmeen Obaid
727. International Human Rights Day is observed every year on——?
A. 2nd December
B. 10th December (Answer)
C. 22nd December
D. 25th December
728. Halim Dhanidina, the first-ever Muslim judge in the state of California, belongs to which country?
A. India
B. Bangladesh
C. Pakistan
D. None
729. Youtube was launched in ——?
A. 2009
B. 2007
C. 2011
D. 2005 (Answer)
730. Singapore was separated from which Country in 1965?
A. Japan
B. Malaysia (Answer)
C. Brunei Darussalam
D. None of the Above