Economics MCQS

431. The Gino-coefficient ranges below:
A: Growth rate
B: Income disparities
C: Population rate
D: Employment rate

432. The consumer price index is constructed on the basis of:
A: Rational price of consumer goods
B: Labor prices
C: Factory prices
D: Whole sale prices of consumer goods

433. The Cobb-Douglas production function meets the property of:
A: Classical production function
B: Neo-classical production function
C: Both A and B
D: None of these

434. Fei-Rains model explains how the increased productivity in the agriculture sector would become helpful in promoting:
A: Manufacturing sector
B: Educational sector
C: Industrial sector
D: Health sector

435. According to Harrad-Domar model, the economy is always at:
A: Reagon’s Edge
B: Optimum edge
C: Raiser’s edge
D: None of these

436. The speculative demand for money is:
A: Inversely affected by the rate of interest
B: Directly affected by the rate of interest
C: Unaffected by the rate of interest
D: None of these

437. When Both APC and MPC fall:
D: MPC = 0

438. The life cycle theory was presented by:
A: Modigliani Brumberg
B: Andu Albert
C: Both A and B
D: None of these

439. MEC is the rate of discount which equalizes the present value of annual income with:
A: Demand price
B: Supply price
C: Profit earned
D: Loses Beard

440. IS curve is concerned with general equilibrium in:
A: Money Market
B: Goods Market
C: Both A and B
D: None of these

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