Economics MCQS

831. How does a command economy impact the distribution of wealth?
A) It promotes an equal distribution of wealth.
B) It may result in a more equal distribution of wealth, but state control may also lead to disparities.
C) It encourages wealth concentration among the elite.
D) It has no impact on the distribution of wealth.

832. How does a command economy respond to external trade and globalization?
A) By embracing external trade and globalization without government intervention.
B) By regulating and controlling external trade to protect domestic industries.
C) By eliminating external trade and globalization.
D) By relying solely on market forces for international trade.

833. How does a command economy address the issue of economic efficiency?
A) By relying on market forces for efficient resource allocation.
B) By sacrificing some level of economic efficiency for central planning and control.
C) By ignoring the issue of economic efficiency.
D) By promoting competition among private enterprises.

834. What is the role of state-owned enterprises in a command economy?
A) State-owned enterprises have no role in a command economy.
B) State-owned enterprises play a significant role and are often major producers in key industries.
C) State-owned enterprises operate independently of government control.
D) State-owned enterprises are limited to small-scale industries.

835. How does a command economy address the issue of inflation?
A) By relying on market mechanisms to control inflation.
B) By implementing central planning and price controls to address inflation.
C) By ignoring the issue of inflation.
D) By promoting inflation through state intervention.

836. How does a command economy impact consumer choices?
A) It provides diverse consumer choices through competition.
B) It may limit consumer choices, and individuals often have fewer options.
C) It has no impact on consumer choices.
D) It encourages unlimited consumer choices.

837. What is capitalism?
A) An economic system where private individuals and businesses own and control the means of production.
B) An economic system where the government makes all decisions regarding resource allocation.
C) An economic system based on central planning and state ownership.
D) An economic system that eliminates private property.

838. In capitalism, how are prices determined?
A) Prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand in the market.
B) Prices are set by the government based on central planning.
C) Prices are irrelevant in a capitalist system.
D) Prices are determined by individual preferences.

839. Who owns and controls the means of production in capitalism?
A) Private individuals and businesses own and control the means of production.
B) The government owns and controls all means of production.
C) Ownership of the means of production is irrelevant.
D) The means of production are collectively owned by society.

840. What is the role of individuals in capitalism?
A) Individuals have significant control over resource allocation and production decisions.
B) Individuals play no role in resource allocation.
C) Individuals make decisions collectively through central planning.
D) Individuals follow the directives of the government.

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