Economics MCQS

931. According to communism, what is the ultimate goal of human society?
A) The establishment of a classless, communist society where all individuals enjoy equality and collective ownership.

B) The pursuit of individual wealth and prosperity.
C) The reinforcement of social hierarchies.
D) Communism has no specific goals for human society.

932. How does communism view the concept of imperialism?
A) Communism condemns imperialism as an exploitative and oppressive system.
B) Communism supports imperialistic practices.
C) Imperialism is irrelevant in communism.
D) Communism encourages territorial expansion.

933. What is the role of technology in a communist economy?
A) Technology is considered a tool for advancing the collective well-being and achieving economic efficiency.
B) Technology is irrelevant in a communist economy.
C) A communist economy rejects technological advancements.
D) Technology hinders the progress of a communist economy.

934. How does communism address cultural diversity?
A) Communism values cultural diversity and seeks to promote the coexistence of different cultural expressions.
B) Communism discourages cultural diversity.
C) Cultural diversity is irrelevant in communism.
D) Communism supports cultural homogeneity.

935. According to communism, what is the role of the individual in social change?
A) Individuals play a crucial role in driving social change and progressing towards a classless society.
B) The role of the individual is irrelevant in communism.
C) Individuals hinder social change.
D) Social change is solely determined by the government.

936. How does communism address the issue of poverty?
A) Communism aims to eliminate poverty by ensuring the equitable distribution of resources and wealth.
B) Communism ignores the issue of poverty.
C) Communism promotes poverty.
D) Poverty is irrelevant in communism.

937. According to communism, how is innovation encouraged?
A) Innovation is encouraged in a communist society as long as it contributes to the collective well-being.
B) Communism discourages innovation.
C) Innovation is irrelevant in communism.
D) Innovation is solely driven by individual interests.

938. How does communism view the concept of social justice?
A) Communism places a strong emphasis on social justice, aiming to address historical inequalities.
B) Social justice is irrelevant in communism.
C) Communism opposes social justice.
D) Social justice is solely the responsibility of individuals.

939. According to communism, what is the role of the family?
A) Communism views the family as a social unit and seeks to promote its well-being within the broader community.
B) The family is irrelevant in communism.
C) Communism discourages family structures.
D) The family is solely responsible for individual well-being.

940. How does communism address the issue of unemployment?
A) Communism aims to eliminate unemployment by centrally planning employment opportunities for all individuals.
B) Communism ignores the issue of unemployment.
C) Communism promotes unemployment.
D) Unemployment is irrelevant in communism.

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