Economics MCQS

881. How does socialism address unemployment?
A) Socialism often addresses unemployment through state-led initiatives and central planning.
B) Unemployment is irrelevant in socialism.
C) Individuals address unemployment in socialism.
D) Socialism promotes permanent unemployment.

882. How does socialism impact individual freedoms?
A) Individual freedoms may be restricted in socialism for the greater good of the collective.
B) Socialism promotes individual freedoms, especially in economic decision-making.
C) Individual freedoms are irrelevant in socialism.
D) The government controls and restricts individual freedoms in socialism.

883. What is the primary motive of businesses in socialism?
A) Businesses aim to serve the collective needs and goals set by the state or community.
B) Businesses aim to maximize profits through competition.
C) Businesses aim to minimize government intervention.
D) Businesses aim to promote individual freedoms.

884. How does socialism respond to economic crises and recessions?
A) Socialism relies on state-led initiatives and central planning to address economic challenges.
B) Socialism ignores economic crises.
C) The government is solely responsible for addressing economic fluctuations in socialism.
D) Socialism promotes economic crises.

885. How does socialism address social welfare?
A) Social welfare is often provided by the state or community to ensure collective well-being.
B) Social welfare is not a concern in socialism.
C) The government provides all social welfare programs in socialism.
D) Social welfare is determined by market forces.

886. How does socialism address the provision of public goods and services?
A) Socialism relies on state or community ownership and control for the provision of public goods and services.
B) The government is solely responsible for providing public goods and services in socialism.
C) Public goods and services are irrelevant in socialism.
D) Public goods and services are determined by individual preferences.

887. How does socialism impact the distribution of wealth?
A) Socialism aims to minimize wealth inequality through collective ownership and control.
B) Socialism promotes an equal distribution of wealth.
C) The government controls and distributes wealth in socialism.
D) Socialism eliminates the distribution of wealth.

888. How does socialism respond to external trade and globalization?
A) Socialism may limit external trade and globalization to protect domestic industries.
B) Socialism embraces external trade and globalization without significant government intervention.
C) Socialism regulates and controls external trade.
D) External trade and globalization are irrelevant in socialism.

889. How does socialism address the issue of economic efficiency?
A) Socialism relies on state planning to ensure efficient resource allocation and production.
B) Economic efficiency is irrelevant in socialism.
C) Socialism promotes competition among private enterprises for efficiency.
D) Socialism sacrifices efficiency for collective control.

890. What is the role of state-owned enterprises in socialism?
A) State-owned enterprises play a significant role in socialism, often controlling key industries.
B) State-owned enterprises have a limited role, and private enterprises dominate the economy.
C) State-owned enterprises have no role in socialism.
D) State-owned enterprises control all economic activities in socialism.

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