Computer MCQS

31. What does CSS stand for in web development?
A. Computer Style Sheet
B. Cascading Style Sheet
C. Creative Style Sheet
D. Content Style Sheet

32. What is the process of converting high-level programming code into machine code called?
A. Compilation
B. Interpretation
C. Execution
D. Debugging

33. Which of the following is not a web browser?
A. Chrome
B. Firefox
C. Word
D. Safari

34. What does HTML stand for in web development?
A. Hyper Text Markup Language
B. High-level Text Management Language
C. Home Tool for Modern Layout
D. Hyperlink Text Management Logic

35. Which of the following is a high-level programming language often used for data analysis and scientific computing?
A. Java
B. Python
C. C++
D. Ruby

36. What does RAM stand for in the context of computer memory?
A. Random Access Memory
B. Read-Only Memory
C. Running Application Memory
D. Real-Time Access Memory

37. Which programming language is often used for developing Android mobile applications?
A. Java
B. Python
C. C#
D. Ruby

38. What is the largest unit of digital storage?
A. Byte
B. Kilobyte
C. Gigabyte
D. Terabyte

39. Which data structure follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle?
A. Queue
B. Stack
C. Linked List
D. Tree

40. What is the purpose of an IP address in computer networking?
A. To identify a specific website
B. To identify a specific computer or device on a network
C. To determine the speed of the internet connection
D. To establish secure connections

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