Computer MCQS

510. Which one of the following extends a private network across public networks?
A) Local Area Network (LAN)
B) Virtual Private Network (VPN)
C) Enterprise Private Network
D) Storage Area Network

511. What is meant by a dedicated computer?
A: Which is assigned one and only one task
B: Which is used by one person only
C: Which uses one kind of software
D: Which is meant for application software

512. Who is called the father of the modern digital computer?
A: Blaise Pascal
B: Leibnitz
C: Charles Babbage
D: J.H Muller

513. Pressing the F8 key for three times selects __?
A: A word
B: A paragraph
C: A sentence
D: A whole page

514. What is the shortcut key to delete data permanently?
A: Shift + Delete Button
B: Ctrl+delete button
C: Alt+delete button
D: None of these

515. In MS PowerPoint, if you want to edit a chart, you can:
A: Click and drag the chart object
B: Triple click the chart object
C: Double click the chart object
D: Click the chart object

516. In Microsoft Word, how can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time?
A: By pressing Ctrl + [
B: By pressing Ctrl + ]
C: By pressing Ctrl + }
D: By pressing Ctrl + {

517. A __ is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval and use of that data.
A: Recordset
B: File
C: Database
D: Document

518. By default, Word automatically formats each heading in a table of contents as __?
A: Cross-references
B: Bookmarks
C: Hyperlinks
D: Word-fields

519. __ is the process of making changes to a document’s existing content.
A: Editing
B: Creating
C: Cutting
D: Forming

520. Bit is also called __.
A: Character
B: Small
C: Byte
D: Binary Digit

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