Computer MCQS

631. “DOCOMO” is the abbreviation of :
A: Do communication or more
B: Do connect over mobile
C: Do communication over the mobile network
D: Dongle communication over Mobile

632. Joystick is used to :
A: Move cursor on the screen
B: Computer games
C: Both A and B
D: None of these

633. A DNS translates a domain name into :
A: Binary
B: Hex

634. When was the first email sent ?
A: 1963
B: 1969
C: 1971
D: 1974

635. Which of the following types of memory is volatile ?
B: Cache
D: Hard drive

636. All of the below are iPhone 4 features except ?
A: 4G
B: Multitasking
C: Front-facing camera
D: HD recording

637. What is the second name of the main memory ?
A: Auxillary memory
B: Primary memory
C: Secondary memory
D: All of the above

638. The typical computer criminal is a(n)__?
A: Trusted employee with no criminal record.
B: Young hacker.
C: Trusted employee with a long, but unknown criminal record.
D: Overseas young cracker.

639. Google is an_________multinational technology company?
A: Indian
B: American
C: Italian
D: German

640. Who invented the Java programming language ?
A: Linus Torvalds
B: Deniss Ritche
C: James Gosling
D: Bajarnae

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