Computer MCQS

491. Which file is responsible to start MS PowerPoint?
A: Powerpnt.exe
B: Ppt.exe
C: Mspoint.exe
D: None of these

492. How many menus does a calculator in Windows have?
A: Five
B: Three
C: Four
D: Two

493. IBM Stands for _?
A: Integrated Business Machine
B: International Business Machine
C: Information Business Machines
D: International Business Model

494. RAM is the example of which type of memory?
(A) Secondary memory
B) Main memory
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above

495. Main memory is also called?
(A) Secondary Memory
(B) External Memory
C) Primary Memory
(D) Slow Memory

496. What is the abbreviation of HTTP?
(A) Hypertext Transfer Pole
B) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(C) Highly Text Transfer Protocol
(D) None of the above

497. Ctrl+A key is used for?
(A) Paste text
(B) Make text italic
C) Select all text
(D) All of the above

498. Peripheral devices used to get information from the computer are called?
(A) Input devices
(B) Output devices
C) Digital devices
(D) None of the above

499. A TV-like screen is also called what?
(A) Digital camera
(B) CD player
C) Cathode Ray Tube
(D) All of the above

500. Which type of printer does not strike on the paper when printing?
(A) Impact Printer
(B) Line Printer
C) Non-Impact Printer
(D) None of the above

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