Computer MCQS

961. Light pen contains?
(A) Light Sensitive elements
(B) Ultra Violet Rays
(C) Lead
D) Silicon

962. In computers where deleted items are kept?
(A) Control Panel
(B) My Computer
(C) C Drive
D) Recycle Bin

963. Processor works like a human?
(A) Liver
(B) Heart
C) Brain
(D) None of the above

964. In Microsoft Internet Explorer which shortcut key is used to open the history bar?
(A) Ctrl+F
B) Ctrl+H
(C) Ctrl+G
(D) Ctrl+J

965. To save important files and items which folder is best suited?
A) My Document
B) Recycle Bin
C) Control Panel
D) All of the above

966. In which year was the Daisy wheel printer invented?
(A) 1959
(B) 1962
(C) 1966
D) 1969

967. Disk Cleanup is used as a __ in Windows.
(A) Disk Driver
B) Disk Scanner
(C) Disk Software
(D) None of the above

968. Windows interface is called?
(A) Shell
(B) Command Line Interface
C) Desktop View
(D) None of the above

969. Who invented punched card to create patterns in fabric woven on a loom?
A: Joseph Jacquard
B: Charles Babbage
C: William Burroughs
D: Bush

970. Auto clip-art is a feature in PowerPoint that_______________?
A: Scans your presentation for incorrect spelling in your words on each slide
B: Automatically places clipart in your presentation
C: Scans your presentation for incorrect spelling in Word Arts objects
D: All of above

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