GK Most Important NTS MCQs 2

  1. Which fruit contains the most protein: Avocado
  2. A muster is a group of which birds: Peacocks
  3. Gossima was the original name of what game: Table Tennis
  4. Minerva is the Goddess of what: Wisdom
  5. USA has most airports which country has second most: Australia
  6. In 1829 Walter Hunt invented what common item: Safety Pin
  7. What is the oldest known infectious disease: Leprosy
  8. In which city is the worlds oldest tennis court from 1496: Paris
  9. Who said Politics is the art of the possible 11 Aug 1867: Otto Von Bismarck
  10. In which country did Turkeys originate: USA
  11. What colour is worn for funerals in Egypt: Yellow
  12. In what country did red onions originate: Italy
  13. What job did Ernest Hemmingway do in WW1: Ambulance Driver
  14. What was the name of the Roman God of sleep-Somnos
  15. What does the name Ghengis Khan mean-Very Mighty Ruler
  16. What is the most common disease in the world-Dental Caries
  17. The name of which countries capital means good air-Argentina – Buenos Aires
  18. The USA president lives in the White House – Who Blue House-President of South Korea
  19. What does an aronophobe fear -Internet
  20. What county has its map on its flag-Cyprus
  21. Lucknow is a city in India – and what other country-Canada
  22. Which animal has legs but cant walk- Hummingbird
  23. What is the sacred animal of Thailand-White Elephant
  24. What animal is the symbol of long life in Korea-Deer
  25. What animal was the symbol of freedom in ancient Rome-Cat
  26. Time Magazine named what as the Man of the Year 1982-The Computer
  27. The United Nations in New York were originally where-San Francisco
  28. In what country is the northernmost point of Africa-Tunisia
  29. Napoleon had a fear of what – Aelurophobia-Cats
  30. In the Bible who built the ancient city of Babylon-Nimrod
  31. In what country did stamp collecting start -France
  32. Where do the White and Blue Niles join-Khartoum – in Sudan
  33. What plant has flowers but no leaves-Cactus
  34. Who was the Roman Goddess of peace-Pax
  35. What country has a Bible on its flag-Dominican Republic
  36. The Invisible Empire is better known as what-Klu Klux Klan
  37. What European countries flag is square-Switzerland
  38. What bird has the most feathers per square inch-Penguin
  39. A dog is canine – what animal is ovine-Sheep
  40. A cat is feline – what animal is murine-Mouse or Rat