GK Most Important NTS MCQs 2

  1. Semiology is the study of what-Signals
  2. What is silviculture- Forestry
  3. What is Xylography- Wood Engraving
  4. Paleontology is the science of history of life.
  5. Meteorology is the study of study of weather.
  6. Cryptography is the study which deals with the secret writing.
  7. Hydroponics means cultivation of the plants without use of soil.
  8. Hyetology is the study of rainfall.
  9. Mycology is the study of fungus and fungi diseases.
  10. Petrology is the study of rocks in the earth‘s crust.
  11. Amniocentesis is a method for determination of foetal sex.
  12. What is Steganography: Invisible ink writing
  13. Ichthyologists study what Fish
  14. What does a psephologist study: Voting – Elections
  15. What is studied in Aerology-Planet Mars
  16. Orthoepy is the study of what-Word pronunciation
  17. A philomath has a love of what- Learning
  18. What is a nidologist interested in-Birds nests
  19. What is philography- Autograph collecting
  20. Agronomy is the science of soil management
  21. The process by which plants take food is photosynthesis
  22. Reduction is the removal of oxygen atoms
  23. Oxidation is the combination of oxygen or removal of hydrogen
  24. Horticulture is the cultivation of flowers, fruits and vegetable
  25. Pastevurization is the protection of food by heating
  26. If temperature rises gradually up to 40 deg: C, the rate of photosynthesis may stop altogether
  27. Ibn baitar was a Botanist
  28. Kitab al Manazar on optical works was written by Ibn al Haitham
  29. Mamoon observatory was established during the reign of Caliph Mamoon • Circulation of blood was described by a muslim scientist name Nafis Abdul al-Hasan.
  30. Al-Khwarizimi was first person who used zero.
  31. Muslim scientist Ali al Tabari is famous for his work on _ (medical sciences)
  32. Al Beruni discovered that light travels faster than sound.
  33. Half byte = 1nibble = 4 bits
  34. Bit means Binary Digit
  35. 1 byte = 8 bits
  36. 1 mega byte = 1048576 bytes
  37. 1 kilo byte = 1024 bytes
  38. A combination of 16 bits are called word.
  39. A terabyte = 1 trillion bytes
  40. Fred Cohen coined the word computer virus