GK Most Important NTS MCQs 2

  1. The chemical name of baking powder is Sodium bicarbonate
  2. The chemical name of bleaching powder is Calcium hypochlorite
  3. A fungus which can only survive on other living organisms is called Obligate Parasite
  4. A plant which lives in the dark is called Scotophyte
  5. Laser was invented by Dr.Charles H.Townes
  6. Thermostat is an instrument used for regulating Constant temperature
  7. The science of organic forms and structures is known as Morphology
  8. The fear of women is known as Gynophobia
  9. The fear of men is known as Androphobia
  10. The scientist who developed the Quantum theory was Max Plonck
  11. The acid used in a car battery is Sulphuric acid
  12. The system for writing by blind people was invented by Louis Braille
  13. The parachute was used for the first time by J.P.Blanchard
  14. The German physicit who first demonstrated the existence of Radio waves was Henrich Hertz
  15. Fountain pen was invented by L.E.Waterman
  16. The role of heredity was demonstrated by Mendel
  17. The instrument used to measure the concentration of salt water is the Salinometer
  18. Safety matches was invented by J.E.Lundstrom
  19. Dynamics is the study of Movements of bodies
  20. Statics is the study of Forces acting on bodies at rest
  21. Mechanics is the study of Forces acting on bodies
  22. The electro-cardiograph was invented by William Einthoven
  23. Chronometer was invented by John Harrison
  24. The study of antiquities is known as Archaeology
  25. The study of the duration of life is known as Chronobiology
  26. Calcium oxide is commonly known as Quick lime
  27. A deviation of light passing from one medium to another is known as Refraction
  28. An apparatus for generation of atomic energy is called a Reactor
  29. Vitamin C is also called Ascorbic Acid it prevents scurvy
  30. Vitamin C is also necessary for utilization of iron
  31. The food which contains largest amount of Vitamin C is tomato
  32. Cod liver oil contains Vitamin D
  33. Collagen is the substance that gives elasticity to skin
  34. Vitamin E promotes oxygenation and acts as anti aging
  35. Carbon dioxide we release comes from food we eat
  36. Vitamin B2 has what other name Riboflavin
  37. Fats are made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
  38. Vitamin E is called anti-aging agent
  39. Vitamin E helps in fertility process
  40. Vitamin B helps maintain normal appetite and good digestion