GK Most Important NTS MCQs 2

  1. The coldest planet is Neptune.
  2. The Cornea of the eyes is the only part of body without blood supply.
  3. The Average weight of man‘s brain is 4.8 ounces.
  4. The Average weight of woman‘s brain is 4.4 ounces.
  5. The most common element in the atmosphere is Nitrogen (N), which is present at 78.08 percent by volume and 75.52 percent by mass.
  6. The most common element in the universe is Hydrogen (H), according for 90 percent of all known matter in the universe, and68 percent by mass in the Solar System. • Radium was discovered by Mario Curie Pierre Curie.
  7. Railway Engine was invented by Stephenson.
  8. The largest bone of human body is Thigh Bone.
  9. The proportion of water in human body is about 85%. (Blood in Human Body 5-6 Liter 10 % of total volume )
  10. Cockroach is considered as the ancient insect of the world.
  11. ―Rickets is a disease of the bones ( due to deficiency of Vitamin D ).
  12. Sound will travel fastest in Solids.
  13. Lack of oxygen at high altitude produces bleeding.
  14. Chronometer is used to measure time while on ship.
  15. Dental enamel is the hardest thing present in a human body.
  16. The density of a liquid is measured by Hydrometer.
  17. ‗Fathom‘ is the unit of measurement of depth.
  18. Iron is the most widely used metal.
  19. A human body has 236 joints. (206 bones , new baby contains 300). There are 24 ribs in a human body.
  20. A colour blind person cannot distinguish between Red and Green.
  21. Hippocrates is considered as the father of Medicine.
  22. Platinum is the costliest metal in the world.
  23. The main component of a TV is a cathode ray tube.
  24. A man breathes 17 to18 times in a minute.
  25. The breathing rate is controlled by the medulla.
  26. The only metal which is liquid at ordinary temperature is Aluminium.
  27. In the normal composition of human body oxygen is 64 percent.
  28. The use of fingerprints for identification purposes was first proposed by the British scientist Sir Francis Galton.
  29. Who invented ‗Printing Press‘? Gutenberg
  30. Who invented ‗Television‘? John L. Baird
  31. Who was the inventor of ‗mercury thermometer‘? Fahrenheit
  32. Albert Einstein presented ‗theory of relativity‘.
  33. Insulin was invented by F. Banting.
  34. Who discovered ‗X-rays‘? Roentgen
  35. Dr. Alfred Bernhard Nobel discovered Dynamite
  36. ‗Law of gravitation‘ was introduced by Sir Isaac Newton
  37. ‗Vaccination for smallpox‘ was discovered by Jenner
  38. Who discovered ‗Oxygen‘? Priestley Joseph
  39. What is the scientific name of man? Homo sapiens
  40. Polio, AIDS and Measles are caused by Virus