GK Most Important NTS MCQs 2

  1. Blue Mosque is in Istanbul.
  2. Camp David is famous for Camp David Accord, which took place between Egypt and Israel. It is located in USA.
  3. Jaffna is the headquarters of LTTE guerillas in Sri Lanka.
  4. Akal Takht is a place of confession of Penance in the Golden Temple complex, it has been the spiritual and temporal seat of authority of Sikh since 1906.
  5. Hanging garden of Babylon is situated in Baghdad and was planted in 603 B.C; this is included in seven wonder of the world.
  6. Leaning tower of Pisa, it was built in 12th Century, it is located in Italy.
  7. The famous Empire State Building in located in New York.
  8. Bermuda Triangle is in Caribbean region.
  9. Bermuda is the colony of UK.
  10. Lumbin is the birthplace of Gautam Budh, it is in Nepal.
  11. Dehro Dun is located in UP (India), it is famous for its military academy.
  12. Yellow Stone National Park is in USA.
  13. The Indonesian island Bali is famous for Temples.
  14. Great Wall of China can be seen from the moon, the total length of the wall is 1684 miles or 6000 kms, it was built in the reign of Shih Huang-ti (246-210) BC.
  15. Abu Simbal is the famous temple in Egypt.
  16. Adam‘s bridge is 17 miles long line of rock and sand bank between India and Sri Lanka.
  17. Mermaid Statue is in Copenhagen.
  18. Temple mount is located in Jerusalem.
  19. Buland Darwaza is situated near Agra its height is 176 feet.
  20. Jordan is an Islamic country which has boundary with many countries.
  21. Break up of Germany occurred on 1945 and merger on Oct 3, 1990.
  22. Iraq occupied Kuwait on 2nd Aug 1990.
  23. Indonesia has 13000 islands.
  24. Japan is an archipelago. • Namibia is administrated by South Africa.
  25. UAE is the federation of 7 Emirates.
  26. Bosnia Herzegovina became independent on Jan 17, 1996.
  27. Kosovo mostly consists of Albanian Muslims.
  28. Baltic States is the name given to the European countries like Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
  29. Spanish is the official language of Argentina.
  30. The majority of Japan‘s Population is by religion Shinto.
  31. The term Boxer Rebellion is associated with China.
  32. Philippines comprises of 7000 tropical islands.
  33. Aukland and Christ Church are the major cities of New Zealand.
  34. Melbourne is the capital city of Australian city Victoria.
  35. Berlin was approved as a capital on 20th June 1991.
  36. Manchester is the city of Great Britain famous for textile industry.
  37. The criminals of the Second World War were trailed in the city of Nuremburg.
  38. Mauna Loa (USA) is the largest active volcano of the world.
  39. Robert Mugabe is the personality of Zimbabwe.
  40. Newton was English and Goethe was German in origin.