EveryDay Science MCQS

151. Entomology is the Study of______?
A: Insects
(B: Worms
C: Animals
D: All of these

152. Material for rain-proof coats and tents owe their waterproof properties to _?
A: Surface tension
(B: Viscosity
C: Specific gravity
D: Elasticity

153. Long-sight defect could be corrected by using _ lens? Short-sight defect could be corrected by a lens?
A: Convex
(B: Concave
C: Diverging
D: None of these

154. A branch of medicine dealing with eyes and related diseases is called____?
(A: Obstetrics
B: Ophthalmology
C: Physiology
D: Hematology

155. What unit of frequency is equal to one cycle per second?
A: Hertz
(B: Decibel
C: Unicycle
D: Ampere

156. What is the only element that burns with nitrogen?
(A: Fluorine
B: Titanium
C: Antimony
D: Manganese

157. The speed of sound depends on the medium through which the waves are passing. The speed of sound in gases depends on What?
A: Density
(B: Weight
C: Volume
D: Mass

158. Weight of an object put in a satellite orbiting in space around the earth is reduced to:
A: Zero
(B: Half
C: Same
D: None of these

159. What is the heaviest metallic element?
(A: Lead
B: Uranium
C: Osmium
D: Iridium

160. What do you call the positive electrode of an electric cell?
(A: Diode
B: Anode
C: Grid
D: Cathode

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