EveryDay Science MCQS

491. One light year is equal to:
(A) 9.46×106 km
(B) 9.46×109 km
C) 9.46×1012 km
(D) 9.46×1015 km

492. Which of the following is the nearest planet to earth?
(A) Mercury
B) Venus
(C) Mars
(D) Jupiter

493. Which of the following planet is easily visible from the Earth?
(A) Mercury
(B) Mars
(C) Jupiter
D) Venus

494. About how many times a man respires in a minute?
(A) 40-50
(B) 22-30
C) 12-18
(D) 8-10

495. Tiny vessels known as capillaries carry blood from:
A) arteries to veins
B) heart to the body
C) heart to lungs
D) veins to arteries

496. Study of “Aging” is called _?
A: Hstologyh
B: Gerontology
C: Pysiology
D: Anthropology

497. Weather describes the condition of __ at any one time.
A: The land surface
B: The earth
C: The atmosphere
D: The ionosphere

498. Proton number is denoted by symbol _ ?
A: Z
B: M
C: P
D: A

499. Which one of the following can be synthesized by the Liver?
A: Vitamin B12
B: Vitamin B6
C: Vitamin K
D: Vitamin E

500. Sun is moving around the centre of the galaxy at a velocity of __ km/s?
A: 210
B: 205
C: 215
D: 220

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