EveryDay Science MCQS

631. What is the unit to measure the quantity of Ozone in the atmosphere?
(A) Coulomb
B) Dobson
(C) Quanta
(D) Lumens

632. Which of the following blood groups is the universal blood recipient?
(A) A+
(B) O+
(C) B+
D) AB+

633. Which of the following has the least mass?
A) Electron
(B) Neutron
(C) Proton
(D) None of these

634. Muscle stiffness is caused by the disease:
A) Tetanus
(B) Rabies
(C) Polio
(D) Rickets**

635. __ is a strong smelling agent added to LPG cylinders to detect leakage?
A: Ethyl Mercaptan
B: Nitrogen Peroxide
C: Carbon Monoxide
D: Sulphur Dioxide

636. The study of geographical areas, plants and animal distribution is called____?
A: Chorology
B: Cosmetology
C: Osteology
D: Mycology

637. Which one is the world’s largest mangrove forest(s)?
A: Amazon Forest
B: Changa Manga Forest
C: Sundarbans Forest
D: None of the above

638. Analytical solutions to Quadratic equations were introduced by_____?
A: Al-haitham
B: Al-Khawarzimi
C: Isaac Newton
D: Pythagoras

639. The scientific study of fingerprints is called __ ?
A: Dactylology
B: Dactylography
C: Dactyliology
D: Dialectology

640. What is anthracite?
A: Hard coal
B: Carbon
C: Ammonia
D: None of these

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