EveryDay Science MCQS

971. The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is _ days?
A: 120
B: 60
C: 180
D: 240

972. International date line passes through which strait?
A: Adam Strait
B: Malacca Strait
C: Bering Strait
D: Java Strait

973. Who invented bifocal eyeglasses?
A: Benjamin Franklin
B: Ibn-e-Haitem
C: Archimedes
D: None

974. Saliva contains_____?
A: Bite
B: Amylases
C: Trypsin
D: None of these

975. Malaria is a disease which affects the_______?
A: Lungs
B: Heart
C: Spleen
D: Kidneys

976. Which is the Coldest Planet ?
A: Venus
B: Earth
C: Mercury
D: Neptune

977. The main culprit of greenhouse effect is Carbon dioxide. But which is the second element contributing most to greenhouse effect?
A: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
B: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
C: Methane (CH4)
D: High-fructose corn syrup (HFCs)

978. The ‘stone’ formed in the human kidney consists mostly of________?
A: Sodium acetate
B: Calcium oxalate
C: Magnesium sulphate
D: Calcium

979. Which of the following does not pollute the air?
A: Sulfur dioxide
B: Nitrogen Dioxide
C: Carbon dioxide
D: None of these

980. Laughing gas has a chemical composition of the following two elements?
A: Nitrogen + Carbon
B: Nitrogen + Hydrogen
C: Nitrogen + Oxygen
D: Oxygen + Carbon

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