EveryDay Science MCQS

261. UV light falls in the category of______?
A: Non-Ionizing Radiation
B: Ionizing Radiations
C: Visible light
D: None

262. Any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans is called?
A: Zoonoses
B: Zonoses
C: Ananoses
D: Chordnoses

263. What are rows in the Periodic table called?
A: Group
B: Period
C: Verticals
D: Perpendiculars

264. Vertebral Column in human beings consists of how many vertebrae?
A: 10
B: 5
C: 12
D: 33

265. Which among the following is the correct sequence of the various layers of the Atmosphere from the Earth’s surface?
A: Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Ionosphere, Troposphere
B: Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere
C: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere
D: Troposphere, Ionosphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere

266. Role of biotechnology in the production of food based on __?
A: Respiration
B: Decomposition
C: Digestion
D: Fermentation

267. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Gases do not conduct heat
B. The best conductors are non-metals
C. Conduction currents occur only in liquids
D. A vacuum cannot conduct heat
E. None of the above

268. Ice can be changed to water by:
A. Adding more water molecules
B. Changing the motion of the water molecules
C. Rearranging the atoms in water molecules
D. None of these

269. The building block of elements is called:
A. Atoms
B. Molecules
C. Physiological
D. Morphological
E. None of these

270. Boiling of an egg is a change which is:
A. Physical
B. Chemical
C. Physiological
D. Morphological

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