EveryDay Science MCQS

751. Otto Hahn discovered?
(A) Hydrogen Bomb
B) Atom Bomb
(C) Bicycle
(D) Vaccine

752. What is the escape velocity of a projectile from the earth?
(A) 11 km/s
(B) 11.1 km/s
(C) 11.2 km/s
D) 12 km/s

753. What is the name of hormone secreted by the pancreas?
(A) Penicillin
B) Insulin
(C) Ribofin
(D) Iodine

754. When a beam of light passes through water, its speed is?
(A) Increased
B) Decreased
(C) Have no effect
(D) Does not pass through water

755. Which from the following term is from the branch of mathematics?
(A) Neurology
(B) Biopsy
(C) Penology
D) Topology

756. “Rancidity produced in butter can be decreased by adding quinoline to the butter.” This statement shows that _?
A: Quinoline is an inhibitor
B: Nothing is impossible
C: Quinoline is a catalyst
D: Quinoline is an activator

757. The valency of a carbon Atom is _ ?
A: 2
B: 1
C: 3
D: 4

758. A satellite moving around the earth with a uniform speed has_______?
A: No acceleration at all
B: An accelerated motion
C: Uniform acceleration
D: Uneven acceleration

759. Which Planet is known as the Watery Planet?
A: Mars
B: Earth
C: Jupiter
D: Mercury

760. Who is Considered as the Father of Botany?
A: Gregor John Mandle
B: Aristotle
C: Theophrastus
D: Carl Linnaeus

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