EveryDay Science MCQS

61. There are about __ muscles in the human body?
(A) 610
(B) 620
C) 630
(D) 640

62. Which is the largest organ of the human body?
A) Liver
(B) Brain
(C) Heart
(D) Stomach

63. The urine expelled by a normal adult is about______ litres per day?
(A) 1.2
(B) 1.3
C) 1.4
(D) 1.6

64. How many bones are there in a foot?
(A) 25
B) 26
(C) 27
(D) 28

65. Which is the shortest bone in the human body?
A) Stapes
(B) Femur
(C) Phalanges
(D) None of the above

66. Cholera is a?
A) Waterborne disease
(B) Airborne disease
(C) Infection disease
(D) None of the above

67. Typhoid is a?
(A) Airborne Disease
(B) Infection Disease
(C) Virus Disease
D) Waterborne Disease

68. Contraction of ventricles is called what?
A) Systole
(B) Diastole
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above

69. Which animal lays the largest eggs?
(A) Whale
B) Ostrich
(C) Crocodile
(D) African Duck

70. The atmosphere of Mars is mostly consists of
(A) Hydrogen
(B) Chlorine
(C) Nitrogen
D) Carbon dioxide

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