EveryDay Science MCQS

941. Which instrument measures the humidity in the air?
A: Manometer
B: Hygrometer
C: Barometer
D: None of the above

942. From the following given organs which is the excretory organ?
A: Adrenal gland
B: Liver
C: Heart
D: None of the above

943. Which from the following is not an excretory organ?
A: Adrenal gland
B: Liver
C: Lungs
D: Kidney

944. Who is the Father of Genetics?
A: Alexander
B: Gregor Mendel
C: Darwin
D: Louis Pasteur

945. The main cause of floods in the river is __?
A: Earthquakes
B: Heavy snowfall
C: Deforestation
D: Construction of dams

946. Which of the following has the highest energy?
A: X-rays
B: Gamma rays
C: Ultra-violet radiation
D: Radio waves

947. Vernal equinox of the northern hemisphere in March marks the season of _ ?
A: Summer
B: Spring
C: Winter
D: Autumn

948. The second most abundant metal found in the earth’s crust is________?
A: Aluminium
B: Silicon
C: Calcium
D: Sodium

949. What is a mixture of Potassium Nitrate, Powdered Charcoal, and Sulphur called?
A: Glass
B: Paint
C: Gun Powder
D: Cement

950. The alcohol used in the preparation of dynamite is___?
A: Glycerol
B: Ethyl alcohol
C: Glycol
D: Methyl alcohol

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