EveryDay Science MCQS

911. Alternating current cannot be used in?
A: Galvanometer
B: Amplifier
C: Voltmeter
D: Transformer

912. Diode used for?
A: Rectification
B: Modulation
C: Oscillation
D: None of the above

913. Rocks which make the Earth’s crust are?
A: Igneous
B: Sedimentary
C: Metamorphic
D: All of the above

914. If a man is suffering from color blindness, then he will see red color as?
A: Yellow
B: Pink
C: Blue
D: Green

915. What is the name of the coldest planet in the solar system?
A: Neptune
B: Jupiter
C: Venus
D: Mars

916. Who first measured the velocity of light?
A: Newton
B: Einstein
C: Ole Roemer
D: Galileo

917. Edward Jenner discovered the ‘vaccine’ in __?
A: 1978
B: 1796
C: 1686
D: 1933

918. Dead red blood corpuscles are stored in_______?
A: Spleen
B: Liver
C: Kidney
D: Heart

919. Electromagnetism is the branch of______?
A: Physics
B: Chemistry
C: Both
D: None of these

920. How many Calories are there in 100 grams Natural Honey?
A: 209
B: 107
C: 304
D: 416

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