EveryDay Science MCQS

461. At the back of the neck which gland is located?
(A) Thyroid gland
B) Thymus gland
(C) Pituitary gland
(D) None of the above

462. What is the lifespan of red blood cells?
(A) 100 Days
(B) 105 Days
(C) 110 Days
D) 120 Days

463. Why does a dog hang its tongue out?
(A) It is its habit
(B) He feels comfortable
C) To keep cool
(D) None of the above

464. Human brain gets energy from?
(A) Proteins
(B) Vitamin D
(C) Vegetables
D) Glucose

465. What is the other name for silicon?
(A) Mercury
B) Earth Maker
(C) Gold maker
(D) None of the above

466. As the temperature rises, the speed of sound:
A) rises
B) remains constant
C) becomes variable
D) rises

467. Which of the following has the largest wavelength?
(A) X-rays
(B) Infrared light
(C) Visible light
D) Gamma rays

468. The density of water is:
(A) 400 kg/m3
(B) 600 kg/m3
(C) 800 kg/m3
D) 1000 kg/m3

469. Cholera vaccine was prepared by:
A) Eders
B) Louis Pasteur
C) James Black
D) Linda Buck

470. What is the lifespan of Red Blood Cells?
(A) 100 days
(B) 110 days
C) 120 days
(D) 130 days

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