EveryDay Science MCQS

211. Trachoma is a disease of which part of the body?
(A) Leg
(B) Arm
C) Eye
(D) Muscles

212. Deficiency of iron in the human body causes which disease?
(A) Anaemia
(B) Goitre
(C) Cholera
D) Typhoid

213. Pyorrhea is a disease of the?
(A) Heart
(B) Nose
(C) Leg
D) Gums

214. Ringworm is which type of disease?
(A) Fungal
(B) Airborne
(C) Waterborne
D) Infectious disease

215. Tibia is found in which part of the body?
(A) Foot
(B) Face
C) Leg
(D) Arm

216. What are the main organs of the sense?
A) Nose
B) Nails
C) Skin
D) All of the above

217. Mumps is a disease that is caused by which of the following?
(A) Bacteria
B) Virus
(C) Fungus
(D) None of the above

218. The large intestine is a _ m long tube called colon?
(A) 1.2
(B) 1.3
(C) 1.5
D) 1.4

219. About how much energy entering Earth’s atmosphere is from the sun?
(A) 70%
(B) 80%
(C) 90%
D) 99.9%

220. Deficiency of Vitamin-D can cause
(A) Night blindness
B) Rickets
(C) Scurvy
(D) Hair fall

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