EveryDay Science MCQS

291. Which one of the following is the main culprit in the thinning of the Ozone layer in the earth’s stratosphere?
A: Chlorofluorocarbons
B: Carbon dioxide
C: Nitrogen oxides
D: Methane

292. Glucose syrup is made from_____?
A: Wheat
B: Oat
C: Maize
D: Rice

293. What is not a greenhouse gas?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Nitrogen
C. Methane
D. Ozone

294. What system is our brain in?
A. Respiratory system
B. Bone system
C. Nervous system
D. Digestive system

295. Which of the following is used commonly in storage batteries?
A. Copper
B. Mercury
C. Lead
D. Silicon

296. In a standard drug test, Which seeds can cause false positive results for opium use?
A. Pumpkin
B. Sunflower
C. Poppy
D. Sesame

297. Epiphytic and parasitic plants grow on which of the following?
A. Humans
B. Rocks
C. Plants
D. None of the above

298. What is the atomic number for Hydrogen?
A. 36
B. 12
C. 1
D. 24

299. The branch of study dealing with old age and aging is called:
A. Oncology
B. Gerontology
C. Teratology
D. Ornithology

300. If a green leaf is seen in red light its color will be:
A. Black
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Yellow

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